Pragmatic wealth management for families and individuals

Family Legacy Planning

Establishing your legacy is so much more than passing on financial well-being to future generations; it includes your health wishes, your family information and even your favorite recipe. That’s why we provide free access to Everplans, a highly secure online tool dedicated to transforming the way people get their families organized. This life and legacy platform is built to help you compile all the details about your will, trusts, doctors and more.


Your legacy wishes
  • Family recipes
  • Family photos
  • Letters to family and friends
  • Burial, cremation and donations
  • Funeral preferences
Your life
  • Your family
  • Employment
  • Emergency contacts
  • Homes & real estate
  • Vehicles
  • Digital World
  • Pets
Your health and medical records
  • Health insurance
  • Advance directive
  • Doctors
  • Health information

Your eldercare details
  • Long-term care insurance
  • Eldercare living wishes
  • Care providers
  • Trusts
  • Will
  • Power of attorney
  • Attorneys
Your finances
  • Life insurance
  • Financial advisors
  • Financial accounts & assets
  • Benefits & pensions
  • Disability insurance

You can assign delegates to any of the sections of your profile so they have access to your information when needed, now or later. Customize which of your loved ones have access to which sections, ensuring your information goes to those who need it most.


Hulling Wealth Management  is  also  proud  to  offer  complimentary  access  to EverSafe® to help you protect your money, credit and identity.  EverSafe® can help keep you safe by monitoring your bank and investment accounts, credit cards and credit reports for signs of suspicious activity. On guard 24/7, EverSafe® uses comprehensive data analytics to build a  personal  profile  based on your historical financial activity and detect activity that deviates from those patterns. In case of suspicious activity, EverSafe® will send you a personalized alert to address the issue immediately.


To help protect clients nearing retirement age, EverSafe® partnered with experts in aging, fraud protection, elder abuse and law enforcement to create specialized alerts designed for seniors. These alerts can help detect different aging issues, such as financial aging abuse. Through the EverSafe® family dashboard, you can designate trusted advocates who can review transactions across various accounts and receive alerts should anything seem awry

Raymond James is not affiliated with Everplans, PinnacleCare, Broadspire Care Management, HealthPlanOne or EverSafe. Raymond James & Associates, Inc., receives a one- time referral fee from HealthPlanOne for each Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement application submitted. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, Certified financial Planner™, CFP® (with plaque design) and CFP® (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.

Raymond James does not provide tax advice. Please discuss these matters with your tax professional.