Thoughtfully managing a windfall
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A Christian‐Focused Financial Advisor – Brent Hulling
Tom Bostock
Have you ever heard of a faith‐based financial advisor who believes in and incorporates biblical references and Christian core values into his financial practice; without pressure, he is happy to discuss them with his clients, but only if they are interested. Well, neither did I, until I recently interviewed Brent Hulling, First Vice President, Investments with Raymond James. He also is a member of Kingdom Advisors since 2017, and holds the professional designation called the Certified Kingdom Advisor (CKA), where he was taught a process to help incorporate Christian values into his financial practice and continues to offer biblically wise advice when asked for. Through his church, Grace Family, Brent works with a small group of other Kingdom Advisors.
Brent and his caring family are an integral part of their neighborhood, supporting the community that they live in. He actively participates in his 9 year old twin boys activities. One son is active in baseball and Brent, not one to sit on the sidelines, coaches his son’s baseball team in the Lutz Little League. His wife Erika was a teacher at Oakstead Elementary School since 2007 but moved to McKitrick Elementary this past year. He had previously noted that he was especially proud of his charity work, both financial and through personal involvement, and his church’s own financial support of charities that help make the Tampa Bay area a better place to live for all of its residents.
Brent came to his chosen profession by a somewhat circuitous route. Originally interested in a technology‐related field, after his graduation from Chamberlain High School, he attended the University of South Florida where he earned a degree in Organizational Communication. Not surprisingly, throughout his financial career, the skills that he learned in that course have made him a more effective advisor, able to empathize and communicate with clients from all walks of life, assisting them with their financial needs.
Following a five‐year stint with another investment firm, Brent decided to broaden his employment experiences, working in insurance, property and casualty for only a single year. In his heart, Brent knew that his first love lay in helping people with their needs and returned to financial services as a financial advisor. He noted that “I really love finance and I love going to work every day.” Bridging the gap between “just getting by” and financial independence for his clients with timely investment strategies has always been Brent’s goal for his clients. With an average life span of 70 years for men and 81.1 years for women, according to World (2019), unprepared seniors can potentially face financial vulnerability in later years; timely financial planning today is no longer an option, but a necessity!
Living longer, financially unprepared seniors may find themselves with only their Social Security payment as their only source of stable income. Their “golden years” may quickly tarnish, leaving financial worry in place of the freedom that they had envisioned. With Brent’s assistance, the future can be planned better. He can review existing portfolios and make sound investment recommendations or create initial portfolios, depending upon needs and specific financial goals.
What about you? Stocks, bonds, futures, options? Questions about liquidity or long‐term security? What do the terms like “bull” or “bear” market mean to you and how do they impact your investments or potential ones? What does upward movement in the bond market tell you about the economy? Are you a young family with children just starting out, in your middle age with older children getting ready to start college, an “empty nester” preparing to start a new, more solitary life, or a senior, ready to retire or already retired? Each represents a different need that Brent considers as part of the formulation of his individualized financial strategy for his clients.
These are just a few indicators that Brent Hulling willingly shares the wisdom of his extensive financial background, experience and biblical perspective (optional), with clients from all stages of life without discrimination or regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. It is his ingrained core value of “giving back” to both his clients and community that guides Brent in both his business and personal life.
There are many financial advisors in the industry to choose from, consider Brent Hulling. He is helping to build a more confident tomorrow, today, for his clients, one investor at a time!
Brent Hulling: 100 Tampa St, Suite 2400, Tampa, FL Call 813
Raymond James & Associates, Inc., Member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC Raymond James is not affiliated with and does not endorse the services of the Kingdom Advisors. Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected.
Banking and lending solutions provided by Raymond James Bank. Raymond James Bank, member FDIC, affiliated with Raymond James Financial Services and Raymond James & Associates, Inc.